Public Safety Facility Design Seminar

WSKF designed this seminar for those in fire service/EMS, dispatch, and municipal leadership roles undertaking a facility project. Your role often comes with countless questions and maybe a little anxiety. Wouldn’t it be helpful to know what to expect before you proceed? That’s why we created this seminar.
Attendees gain from invaluable general material and public safety-specific content. We have completed a significant refresh of our content and are continuing the popular station tour and hands-on design exercise while adding a roundtable panel discussion.
This seminar offers a comprehensive overview of the assessment/planning/design and construction process tailored to the interests and needs of public safety agencies. It is an opportunity to learn the strategies and techniques for starting and managing a successful public safety facility project. This seminar will provide valuable project management strategies and insights to assist you in making key decisions for a successful facility project.
WSKF Architects is a long-time leader and innovator in designing stations, HQs, dispatch facilities, training centers, and other facilities for public safety agencies across the central U.S. Agencies large and small, rural and urban, career and volunteer, benefit from the comprehensive program. To learn more, visit our Public Safety portfolio.
Our upcoming seminar is April 24-25, 2025. Check back for our Fall 2025 dates.
Diamond Conference Center, 1875 Diamond Pkwy, North Kansas City, MO 64116
To register, complete the registration form below. You can pay online now using our secure PayPal link or by check payable to WSKF Architects. Check payments should be mailed to: Public Facility Design Seminar – WSKF Architects, 110 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO 64116
If your agency requires an invoice, let us know and we will gladly send one. If you have questions about the seminar, registration, or other topics, please contact Anne Curran at 816-300-4101 or
$325 per person. This includes breakfast on both days and lunch on the second day.
To learn more about on-site lodging accommodations and to make reservations, call the adjacent Aloft Hotel (816-321-1700) or Element Hotel (816-321-1800) or visit them online. You may also contact Anne Curran for other nearby lodging options.
Registration & Information Form
We are WSKF Architects. A firm of designers, thinkers, planners, problem solvers, innovators, business people and advocates for our clients. Each day we dedicate ourselves to designing projects of enduring value and pursuing the highest standards of quality, craftsmanship, and service to our clients and community.

North Kansas City, MO
110 Armour Road
North Kansas City, MO 64116
816-300-4101 (P)
816-300-4102 (F)
Kansas City, KS
707 Minnesota Ave, Suite 506
Kansas City, KS 66101
913-287-1900 (P)
816-300-4102 (F)
North Kansas City, MO
110 Armour Road
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Kansas City, KS
707 Minnesota Ave., Suite 506
Kansas City, KS, 66101